unknown facts about ramzan

Unknown facts about Ramzan and why is it celebrated?

The holy month of Ramzan is ready to start, and we are here with some information and unknown facts about Ramzan that we all should know.

ramzan wallpapers

When is Ramzan going to start?

The month of Ramzan will begin from May 6th by seeing the sights of the moon.

When will Ramzan end?

The month of Ramzan will end during the first week of June.

Why is Ramzan celebrated?

why is ramzan celebrated

The month of Ramzan is celebrated as a sacred festival of Muslims as during this month the holy book Quran was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad.

Some unknown facts about Ramzan

As we all know during the month of Ramzan, Muslims all over the world perform fast. But along with this, there are many other facts that you might know about this festival. Let us discuss some of the unknown facts about Ramzan.

ramzan date

  • Children, ill, elderly, does not need to perform Ramzan.
  • Women who are menstruating, pregnant, breastfeeding, and are going through post child birth bleeding should not perform fast during the month of Ramzan. Fasting during this month is not valid.
  • People who are travelling should not perform fast; instead, they can repay for the same later.
  • If someone eats or drink unintentionally, then fast remains to continue valid. If it is done intentionally, then the fast will not sustain to be valid.
  • One should not get involved in sex while fasting for Ramzan.
  • Taking a bath, using eye-drops, applying kajal, taking injections etc. are allowed during Ramzan.

How to stay healthy during Ramzan?

Having fast for such a long time might show an adverse effect on the body. So to help you out here are simple yet easy tips that you can follow during fast.

  • Take hydrating food like cucumber, tomatoes etc
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Have a healthy diet with high fibre and protein rich food
  • Add oatmeal, lentil soup, Chicken; fish etc. in your diet
  • Try to avoid caffeine and deep frying food items
  • Try to not to involve in exercise while doing fast.

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Let us know your views in the comment section if we had missed anything about unknown facts about Ramzan.

We wish all a very Happy and Healthy Ramzan.




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