signs of depression

Are you unable to sleep; check for these signs of depression!

Depression is a common term that we use in our daily life. But it is more than that. A person suffering from depression is going from various aspects of life and activities. In the initial stages, the signs of depression are hardly even recognized. But as per the current scenario, the verge of this medical problem is escalating with every second. So, to help you with the same here is a quick look at the signs of depression –

COMMON signs of depression

Signs of depression – 

  • Hopelessness – The feeling hopelessness and helplessness is the first sign of depression. It makes one feel that nothing is going to change and the circumstances are going to stay just the same.
  • Weight change – It is not necessary that if one is losing weight mean he or she is under depression. Yes, there will be changes in weight, and it will be either weight gain or weight loss.
  • Less interest in Sex – If your partner is not showing a keen interest in sex just like normal, then it is time to check with other depression signs too.  Along with this, the feeling of joy and pleasure seems to lessen down.
  • Sleep problems – If you are unable to sleep or waking in the early hours or are oversleeping then this is a sincere sign to look after. Insomnia is also a sign of depression.
  • Anger – Sudden anger or showing violent remarks, using abusive words without any strong reason behind; plus getting irritated with simple things might lead one into depression.
  • Strong feelings – Here feelings means guilt, hatred, worthlessness, criticizing are some of the secret codes to take care.
  • Unable to concentrate – If you are unable to concentrate on one thing or sudden thoughts are prevailing on your mind while making a decision or performing regular tasks
  • Memory problems – If you are unable to recall things, calendar, notes or your daily activities
  • Suicidal thoughts – Self-harming or thinking about suicide, attempts or suicide
  • Mood swings – A sudden change of mood despite any logic behind or getting irritated with everything or the typical day to day course of action.
  • Lack of energy – If you feel like not doing anything or prefer to roll around the bed the whole day, don’t want to get involved in any activities

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These were some of the potential signs of depression. These signs are hardly going to be identified by an individual who is suffering from depression. So, it is a vital task for the friends and family to check with these signs for the betterment of their loved ones. Depression needs help!

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Post Author: Team Unibyc

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1 thought on “Are you unable to sleep; check for these signs of depression!


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