Things to eat during coronavirus to boost your immunity

As coronavirus is wrapping its clutches all over the nation, let us take a sneak peek in food, fruits, and vegetable that we can eat to boost our immunity. Doctors have stated that coronavirus is the race to the survival of the fittest; this means the person with higher immunity level are at lower risk of contracting the virus or fighting against the virus. So, you must make a list of these things to eat during coronavirus.

How to stay healthy during corona virus

Doctors have recommended adding these in your daily food intake.

Vitamin D

Low level of vitamin D in a person increases the chance of respiratory tract infections, including influenza asthma.

Few vitamin D rich foods are orange juice, soy milk, cereals, mushrooms, and freely provided by the natural sunlight, try and spend more time in sunlight to increase vitamin D level in your body.


Zinc mineral helps the immunity cell to develop and communicate, plays a vital role in an inflammatory response.

Zinc-rich foods are Legumes (chickpeas, lentils, and beans), Nuts, Dairy products, whole grain, Dark chocolate, green beans, kale, potatoes (both regular and sweet). These are some of the finest things to eat during coronavirus.

Vitamin C

This mineral is the most potent supplement to protect against infection; it supports the function of various immune cells and enhance their ability to protect against infection by replacing old cells with new ones.

Vitamin c rich food to boost your immunity

Citrus fruits –orange, kiwi, lemon, guava, grape, papaya, etc

Vegetables – broccoli, cauliflower, Brussel sprouts, and capsicums

Also Read What is the status of corona virus| symptoms of corona virus

Medicinal Mushrooms

This mushroom has been used to prevent and treat infections and diseases from ancient times, as many as 270 medicinal mushrooms have been recognized to contain immunity enhancing properties.

Few medicinal mushrooms know benefit immune health are Lion’s mane, maitake, shitake, reishi, turkey tail, etc.

Researchers have demonstrated that it can also reduce the symptoms of lung infection and asthma.

B complex Vitamins

This mineral is essential for a healthy response of the immune system; vitamin B complex is composed of eight component vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, and B12. This has a direct effect on cell metabolism and energy level in a person’s body.

Things you should eat to maintain vitamin B balance in your body are Milk, Dark Green Vegetables, Eggs, yeast, and nutritional yeast

These are the few minerals and food that you should intake to help your body to improve its immunity level and fight the covid-19/ coronavirus with better chances to win.

Please let us know if there is any other thing you want to know about covid-19/corona virus in the comment section below. Also don’t forget to mention, if you are opting on some other things to eat during coronavirus.

Post Author: Team Unibyc

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